About Us
Who is Comet Pinball?

When not running all the day-to-day operations of Comet Pinball, re-ordering products, and handling all the customer support, Greg is probably skiing, hiking, or tending to his garden.

When not playing with spreadsheets, doing ops, and building kits, Ryan is playing board games, marveling at the great outdoors, and keeping the games in top shape at Lyons Classic Pinball.

When not picking orders, keeping the shipping seat warm, and questioning Greg's taste in music, Kris is probably rock climbing, writing, and endearing us to her fluffy shop dog Nemo.

When not picking, shipping, and trying to attend team meetings from his car, Andy is probably playing Dialed In, posing in apparel photo shoots, or changing the middle name on his resume to match the name of the company he is applying to.

When not building mod kits, counting inventory, or working odd shifts at night, Cindy is probably fantasizing about a nomadic life in Utah, listening to Shpongle, or showing people where the start button is.